Vitamins and Minerals for Babies

Vitamins and Minerals for Babies


Needs vitamins for infants often a confusing topic. If you ask if your baby need vitamin or not, of course, the answer is yes. Your baby needs vitamins to grow well and healthy. He needs it in order to have strong bones, healthy teeth and also to "build" his blood so avoid anemia.
Well, almost all babies get all the necessary vitamins and minerals (like vitamin A, calcium, iron, etc.) through the intake of food they consume. So, although it is true baby you need vitamins and minerals, but they do not actually need the supplements every day, unless he is born premature or have certain health problems.
Overview of the Vitamins and Minerals

Happy Baby

Many parents who think that the vitamins will be met in full only by consuming vegetables and fruits. This opinion is not appropriate. Actually, vegetables and fruits contain only some types of vitamins, like vitamin C, E, K and some types of vitamin B.
For vitamin A, B6, B12 and D, can usually be obtained through animal sources like liver, milk and other dairy products.
While the minerals needed by the body can be obtained from foods such as salt, fish, shrimp, squid, as well as milk and other dairy products.

For newborns, all need vitamins and minerals will be met through breast milk. so, if you want your baby is getting enough vitamins and minerals, you can simply improve the quality of your milk, by eating a sufficient and balanced composition. If necessary, the direction of your doctor may be taking vitamin supplements.

Baby Breast Feeding

How to Determine Whether Your Baby Requires Supplements or Not?
Actually it all depends on the condition of the baby in question - whether he is receiving breast milk or formula from birth, whether he was born in a normal condition or premature, whether he has a medical disorder, and so forth.

If your baby is born premature or have certain health problems, please consult with your pediatrician if it requires a certain supplement or not. Later, when he got bigger and started to consume more food, the doctor usually will evaluate further whether he still need a supplement.

Baby Formula

For babies who are healthy and in a period of exclusive breastfeeding, there is still much debate about whether or not to supplement. Most said is completely unnecessary. Some experts say health care, even if need be, at most, you just give enough vitamin D supplements - 400 IU per day, with the reason the baby is not getting enough vitamin D through mother's milk

Breast Feeding

According to those who argue the need for extra vitamin D for infants is exclusive breastfeeding in the program, it is different with infants consuming infant formula from the beginning. He does not need additional vitamin D, because usually these elements are contained in infant formula.

Baby Vitamins
Basically, up to age 6 months, exclusive breast-fed babies do not need supplements. To note precisely the diet of the mother. Ensure that breastfeeding mothers consume enough foods containing vitamin B12 (to prevent anemia in children), iron (also associated with anemia), zinc, and calcium. If necessary, then the mother could have been taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement. Of course with physician referrals.

After 6 months of age, if your baby is having trouble eating a variety of foods in sufficient quantities to his age, then vitamin supplements are not necessary. The new supplements are an alternative when your baby is really hard to eat or have a chronic health problem. Please consult with your pediatrician.
Be careful, do not take multivitamin-mineral supplements without a doctor's direction, because it could be your baby receive the excess vitamin A and zinc.

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