Nutritious Dog Food

Nutritious Dog Food

Dog Food In Bowl

Make your own nutritious dog food.
that does not require an expensive cost.

How to make dog food:

-Take a handful of rice, wash and boil in medium saucepan of water to dry

-Sufficient amount of water 2 cups (180 ml​​) stirred let
Do not forget to add salt, MSG, other flavorings, garlic and red onion

-As he mixed with the bones of small fish (especially fish haruan / fishing corks - just his head) that has been fried before being eaten because what else keiteman Hirst alias.

-Then mix the egg and chicken mixed with hot rice was still in a medium heat until slightly tough and the eggs visible fibers are mixed and smooth

Cheap Dog Foods

-After a mature look, texture diliat of rice has become the rice was mushy, although still less quickly turn off the stove (because if not turned off the gas or fuel cepet abis, if the right dog food is expensive, and make instant hot rice was like a bulb-bulb ball enough by moving the pot just does not need to use the hand.

-If it works like a rounded bulb means your dog's food dish is just right, give to your dog so quickly eaten while warm. Hmmm ...
not have attempted to humans, because it proved my dog ate ravenously

Good luck!!!


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