


Dessert is the dish that is generally served at the end of dinner, usually consisting of sweet food sometimes even a food that has a strong taste like cheese. The word itself is pengalihbahasaan dessert from the dessert in the English word derived from Old French desservir which means "to clear the table". The word dessert is often used in Hiberno-English, American English, Canadian English, Australian English and French.
Candy, pudding, and 'afters' are more frequently used in various kinds of desserts from the British Commonwealth. According to Debrett, 'pudding' is a more appropriate term, 'dessert' or 'dessert' is only used when the food comes from fruits, and sweets are koloquial or informal terms.
[edit] History

Dessert, which is part of the standard Western diet, is a relatively recent development. Before the resurrection of the regular class in the 19th century and the use of machinery in the candy industry, candy is more of a priority than the aristocrats or the holiday season, food is very rare. As sugar became cheaper and more available, the development and popularity of desserts became more developed.
[edit] Cuisine

Sometimes, the dessert is seen as a separate meal or snack than a meal, and can be eaten some time after the main meal (usually in informal settings). Some restaurants specialize in dessert.
Some custom or culture does not have a separate last meal sweet. However, their unique blend of sweet foods and during the entire meal as in Chinese food. But sometimes, they leave the dessert on a specific event.

--picture of Dessert--

Mini Strawberry Dessert

Cookies Dessert

Cannoli Dessert

Brownies Dessert

Cake Strawberry Dessert

Cake Dessert

More About Dessert

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