7 Benefits Behind the delicacy of Vegetable Spinach

7 Benefits Behind the delicious of Vegetable Spinach

Fresh Spinach

Popeye with the very foods like vegetables clear to the international-style sour cream. Behind this deliciously taste good variety of nutrients stored for the body, rich in vitamins, rich in minerals, the active compounds and organic acids.
The more nutrients contained in it, indicating spinach also has a myriad of benefits. Curious? Let's take a closer look again!

Spinach Vegetable


1. Good for the digestive tract
Spinach has a very beneficial effect for intestinal health. This includes vegetables rich in fiber. If you put it in your diet regularly, guaranteed, you will not be a problem with digestion.

Digestive System

2. Neutralize the effects of sodium
Eating spinach regularly can help to stabilize blood pressure. This is because spinach contains potassium, which serves to neutralize the adverse effects of sodium in the body.

Neutralize The Effects Of Sodium

If you tend to give too much salt in everything you eat and not be able to stop the habit, then at least try to eat more foods containing potassium.

3. Beneficial for the cardiovascular system
Has been shown that some components of proteins in spinach to slow changes in the peptide angiotensin I into angiotensin II peptide which can narrow blood vessels so that blood pressure increases.

Beneficial For The Cardiovascular System

Not only that, spinach also contains lutein which can prevent the formation of cholesterol plaque and reduce the risk of hypertension.

4. Maintain healthy bones and prevent bleeding
Spinach contains vitamin K which is responsible for blood clotting. Not only is it important to prevent bleeding, vitamin K 'working together' with minerals such as phosphorus, copper, zinc, and magnesium to keep bones strong and healthy as long as possible because it is able to maintain calcium. And, spinach is the most complete prevention of osteoporosis.

5. Antioxidants
Flavonoids contained in spinach can prevent premature aging and cancer risk. Seyawa This reduces the effects of free radicals that damage body cells and help the development of malignant tumors.


6. Strengthen the immune system
Vitamin A, C, E, D, and B makes an ideal spinach as a vegetable to help the immune system. Because these vitamins to keep the number of immune cells in the body which is sufficient to tell the body when there is a threat of infection and quickly react to the infection.

Strengthen The Immune System

7. To lose weight
Spinach contains many nutrients, but low in calories, so a diet that is right for you who are dieting.

To Lose Weight

More About Spinach


Baby Food For 4-6 months

Baby Food 4-6 months


Written by little the read and read, and little experience of caring for a child. We are sorry if any mistakes. Strongly encouraged to check back to other sources.

At this age babies are usually ready to begin eating solid foods, although some experts suggest to keep only give breast milk or formula until 6 months to reduce the risk of allergies to foods other than breast milk and formula.

Signs that your baby is ready to eat solid food

These are characteristics that need to be considered even though your baby may not do everything

- It can hold your head up your own
- It could very well sit in a chair
- Can make chewing motions
- Weight loss seen rising to roughly have doubled his birth weight
- Seen interested in food
- Can shut up if offered a spoon
- Can move food from the mouth of the front to the back of the mouth
- Can move the tongue, and no longer uses the tongue pushing food kelur
- Seen still hungry after being given eight to ten times the milk or formula milk 1200 cc
- Start teething

Food And Beverage

Foods :

- Breast milk or formula
- Rice cereal porridge or gruel of rice flour
- Proceed with sesame seeds, other cereals
- When you are looking to eat, can add pureed vegetables (eg sweet potato, pumpkin-Labuan) or pureed fruit (eg banana, apple, pear, avocado)
Mom And Baby

How :

  1. Starting from rice flour porridge once a day is very thin, approximately 1/2 tablespoon on the first try. Why is rice? Rice has a low risk of allergy.
  2. If the baby is getting used to eating, can be added or increased viscosity of the porridge portions.
  3. Can add a new menu to the baby. One taste every time you add, do not mix. Wait 4 days to introduce new foods to children, to be seen whether the baby has an allergic reaction to food.
  4. Some people suggest to give vegetables before fruits are given, so the baby does not know in advance over the sweetness of the fruit.

Kids And Mom

Foods avoided :

- Honey. Not recommended for infants under the age of one year, because there is the possibility of the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Babies do not have immunity against this bacterium. If you want to know more about botulinum please read this. Roughly according to the writing can result in nerve poison paralyzed him.
- Salts. Baby food should not be given a strong salt because it has not processed by the kidneys. Breast milk and formula is sufficient salt in body
- Sugar. Let your baby does not get used to the sweet taste that can damage the teeth.
- Nuts. In addition there is the possibility of choking, nuts are also very potentially cause allergic reactions
- Cow's milk as a beverage. Insufficient fat content, nutrients (especially iron), and calories. Too much sodium. Also has the potential to become allergens. Except for dairy products like cheese, is allowed after the baby is 6 months old.

Baby- Porridge

Foods that are avoided until the age of 6 months

- Wheat and any of its products. Allergens (can cause allergic reactions)
- Eggs. Allergens, especially the whites who have a lot of protein content.
- Fish, fisheries. Allergens
- Acid fruits, like oranges, grapes, pineapple. Baby had a strong stomach to be acidic foods

Papaya Porridge

  • More About Baby FoodsAt the age of 4-6 months, breast milk or formula is still the main source of baby food. Other foods just extra.
  • Learning to eat is the most important thing at this age. Do not worry if your baby eats little or not eating at all. Please try again at another time.
  • If the baby is seen pushing the food with his tongue, maybe the baby is not ready for solid foods.
  • Always wait 4 days to introduce new foods to the, to be seen whether the baby has an allergic reaction to food.



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